Tag: windows

Boost your new laptop in 5 steps
Laptops may not be the most powerful computers, but theRead more "Boost your new laptop in 5 steps"
Read more "Boost your new laptop in 5 steps" 
Great uses for an old computer
It’s inevitable. Sooner or later, you’re going to have toRead more "Great uses for an old computer"
Read more "Great uses for an old computer" 
Mac time-saving checklist for 2018
In the IT industry, continuous improvement is the name ofRead more "Mac time-saving checklist for 2018"
Read more "Mac time-saving checklist for 2018" 
Things to consider when buying a new computer
Tech items like computers are likely to be among theRead more "Things to consider when buying a new computer"
Read more "Things to consider when buying a new computer" 
Chrome to mark HTTP as ‘not secure’
Google Chrome currently marks HTTPS-encrypted sites with a green lockRead more "Chrome to mark HTTP as ‘not secure’"
Read more "Chrome to mark HTTP as ‘not secure’" 
5 new features for Outlook
Lately, Microsoft has given some love to Outlook — notRead more "5 new features for Outlook"
Read more "5 new features for Outlook" 
OneNote excluded from Office 2019
Microsoft is pushing its users to use the UWP (UniversalRead more "OneNote excluded from Office 2019"
Read more "OneNote excluded from Office 2019"