Since the debut of Face ID back in 2017, the future of Touch ID on iPhone has been… touch and go . Yeah, but for real it looks like Touch ID is on its way back, let’s take a look!
In reasonably shady-yet-believable report from the Korean blogging site, Naver, a user by the name of yeux1122 has posted some info regarding the future of Touch ID and iPhone.
From their blog post, it looks like we have more reason to believe Touch ID will make an under display comeback – if it comes back at all:
(This post has been translated to English)
Apple has recently made some achievements in the development of the UnderDisplay built-in touch ID. Here's a summary of the main points: - Added touch ID with built-in dipple 2-3 years after the punchhole dipple runs at the current development level - 12 related patents have already been obtained as a new system that combines short-wave infrared + optical system, etc." - For example, the difference from the existing fingerprint sensor and solution is that it is possible to understand the user's vein pattern. - It is also possible to measure the user's blood oxygen saturation and the user's pulse. - It also determines whether the user is wearing gloves and whether the user's fingers are wet or dry to show a quick situation-specific recognition rate - To implement these features and improve recognition speed, components were applied that included single-element sensors (e.g., photodiodes, phototransistors, photosensitive elements, etc.) and multi-element sensors (e.g., 상ANT-type metal oxide semiconductor arrays, photodiode arrays), etc.
Touch ID coming back to iPhone would be a big deal. Apple has made some serious strides in the development of Face ID, like adding the ability to use Face ID whilst wearing a mask, but people still crave the fingerprint reading abilities of Touch ID.
In fact, fans aren’t the only ones anticipating a return of Touch ID – Apple has also done some work that will assist in bringing the feature back, and it’s not up for debate!
Earlier in the week, Apple successfully won for a patent for under display Touch ID “focused on an optical imaging system that operates in the ‘Shortwave Infrared’ Band” and the website Patently Apple was quick to report on it!
Now it should be said that Apple has been known to file patents for tech they don’t realistically plan on using; however, we’ve been hearing about Apple’s under display plans for some time now and some big names in the analyst industry have corroborating info.
In a tweet from May of 2022, Ross Young laid out a roadmap for Apple’s upcoming iPhone generations:
If we take Ross Young’s roadmap semi-seriously, as we should because he’s the display guy, Apple beginning their crusade to put all the tech under displays should hit around 2024 at the earliest, but more than likely well into 2026 to be more reasonable.
Regardless, this is some crazy stuff! Do we really need Touch ID back though? Hard to say. Maybe having both Face ID and Touch ID is the move… I just wanna get Foot ID already.
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