
What to do with your dinosaur PC?

When smartphones first outsold PCs in 2010, people no longerRead more  "What to do with your dinosaur PC?"

6 years ago

Old Mac malware gets a facelift

In yet another sign that Apple computers are no longerRead more  "Old Mac malware gets a facelift"

6 years ago

macOS High Sierra’s new features

High Sierra — Mac’s first full OS upgrade since SnowRead more  "macOS High Sierra’s new features"

6 years ago

Mac HandBreak downloads infected by Trojan

macOS version of HandBrake, an open-source video transcoding software thatRead more  "Mac HandBreak downloads infected by Trojan"

6 years ago

New malware threats on Mac computers

No computer is safe from malware, not even Macs. EvenRead more  "New malware threats on Mac computers"

6 years ago