Android apps on laptops Thanks to Google, the apps on your Android phone thatRead more "Android apps on laptops"Read more "Android apps on laptops"
Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service When you picture cloud computing and printing devices, you mightRead more "Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service"Read more "Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service"
Type and talk on enhanced Google Assistant By now, that voice on your smartphone that you constantlyRead more "Type and talk on enhanced Google Assistant"Read more "Type and talk on enhanced Google Assistant"
What is Android Things? Google is the driving force behind a wide variety ofRead more "What is Android Things?"Read more "What is Android Things?"
HTML5 trumps Flash in Google Chrome Google Chrome is following through with a game plan itRead more "HTML5 trumps Flash in Google Chrome"Read more "HTML5 trumps Flash in Google Chrome"
Google announces “App Maker” Until fairly recently, the development and creation of apps wasRead more "Google announces “App Maker”"Read more "Google announces “App Maker”"
Gooligan malware wreaks havoc on Android Google has to contend with yet another malware attack thatRead more "Gooligan malware wreaks havoc on Android"Read more "Gooligan malware wreaks havoc on Android"
Potential security breach for Android users Android users may have reason for concern regarding their deviceRead more "Potential security breach for Android users"Read more "Potential security breach for Android users"
Google makes mobile search a priority More people use Google than they use any other searchRead more "Google makes mobile search a priority"Read more "Google makes mobile search a priority"
What makes Google Pixel so special? This year, Google announced its grand entry into a marketRead more "What makes Google Pixel so special?"Read more "What makes Google Pixel so special?"