
Android apps on laptops

Thanks to Google, the apps on your Android phone thatRead more  "Android apps on laptops"

6 years ago

Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service

When you picture cloud computing and printing devices, you mightRead more  "Utilizing Google’s Cloud Print service"

6 years ago

Type and talk on enhanced Google Assistant

By now, that voice on your smartphone that you constantlyRead more  "Type and talk on enhanced Google Assistant"

6 years ago

What is Android Things?

Google is the driving force behind a wide variety ofRead more  "What is Android Things?"

6 years ago

HTML5 trumps Flash in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is following through with a game plan itRead more  "HTML5 trumps Flash in Google Chrome"

6 years ago

Google announces “App Maker”

Until fairly recently, the development and creation of apps wasRead more  "Google announces “App Maker”"

6 years ago

Gooligan malware wreaks havoc on Android

Google has to contend with yet another malware attack thatRead more  "Gooligan malware wreaks havoc on Android"

6 years ago

Potential security breach for Android users

Android users may have reason for concern regarding their deviceRead more  "Potential security breach for Android users"

6 years ago

Google makes mobile search a priority

More people use Google than they use any other searchRead more  "Google makes mobile search a priority"

6 years ago

What makes Google Pixel so special?

This year, Google announced its grand entry into a marketRead more  "What makes Google Pixel so special?"

6 years ago