The Google Cloud Platform can do virtually any business computingRead more "Google cloud just got much faster"
Employees don’t usually prioritize managing files and photos because theyRead more "Google launches new Backup and Sync app"
There are plenty of VoIP solutions available in the marketRead more "Skype for Business vs Hangouts Meet?"
Businesses in the 21st century rely on a strong digitalRead more "How useful are Google Posts to SMBs?"
Pop-up ads and videos can easily turn people away fromRead more "Ad blocker is coming to Chrome"
Apple’s iOS 11 will be released later this year, butRead more "Android features you won’t find in iOS 11"
Modern-day cyber criminals utilize every resource possible to launch attacks,Read more "Google ridding MR from search results"
Cybercriminals have been relentless throughout 2017. In the past coupleRead more "Google adds anti-phishing features on Gmail"
As the technology that recognizes and thwarts malware becomes moreRead more "The most advanced Gmail phishing scam yet"