Google has to contend with yet another malware attack thatRead more "Gooligan malware wreaks havoc on Android"
VoIP technology has done wonders for business communications by simplifyingRead more "Apple CallKit: what it can and cannot do"
Android users may have reason for concern regarding their deviceRead more "Potential security breach for Android users"
Android developers are on the lookout for a malicious malwareRead more "Vicious malware spreads through app stores"
This year, Google announced its grand entry into a marketRead more "What makes Google Pixel so special?"
Technology companies have been pushing phone-based payment methods for yearsRead more "Android Pay: everything you need to know"
Huawei is one of the biggest manufacturers of networking andRead more "New Android tablet on the way from Huawei"
If your Android device has too many apps cluttering theRead more "Declutter your Android Device with Folders"