Bluetooth users beware! Bluetooth technology helps simplify our daily lives — it allowsRead more "Bluetooth users beware!"Read more "Bluetooth users beware!"
What’s new with Android O? There’s a lot of buzz surrounding Google’s latest Android operatingRead more "What’s new with Android O?"Read more "What’s new with Android O?"
Amazon phones to become a reality soon Amazon is setting its sights on the VoIP market againRead more "Amazon phones to become a reality soon"Read more "Amazon phones to become a reality soon"
How to reduce data loss in Office 365 For businesses, the security of sensitive data is critical. IfRead more "How to reduce data loss in Office 365"Read more "How to reduce data loss in Office 365"
WannaCry: A historic cyberattack No one can escape the news of WannaCry. The ITRead more "WannaCry: A historic cyberattack"Read more "WannaCry: A historic cyberattack"
Mac HandBreak downloads infected by Trojan macOS version of HandBrake, an open-source video transcoding software thatRead more "Mac HandBreak downloads infected by Trojan"Read more "Mac HandBreak downloads infected by Trojan"
How to defend against WannaCry Both businesses and individuals across dozens of countries are scramblingRead more "How to defend against WannaCry"Read more "How to defend against WannaCry"
Web browser cybersecurity, ranked Cybersecurity didn’t become more important in light of the WannaCryRead more "Web browser cybersecurity, ranked"Read more "Web browser cybersecurity, ranked"
4 Tips for better server management With so much technology moving to the cloud, onsite serversRead more "4 Tips for better server management"Read more "4 Tips for better server management"
New phishing protection for Gmail on Android One of the most common ways hackers infiltrate networks isRead more "New phishing protection for Gmail on Android"Read more "New phishing protection for Gmail on Android"