Google News

Free Google apps worth exploring

Google Play has a wealth of applications that you canRead more  "Free Google apps worth exploring"

6 years ago

Type and talk on enhanced Google Assistant

By now, that voice on your smartphone that you constantlyRead more  "Type and talk on enhanced Google Assistant"

6 years ago

Google announces “App Maker”

Until fairly recently, the development and creation of apps wasRead more  "Google announces “App Maker”"

6 years ago

Google makes mobile search a priority

More people use Google than they use any other searchRead more  "Google makes mobile search a priority"

6 years ago

What makes Google Pixel so special?

This year, Google announced its grand entry into a marketRead more  "What makes Google Pixel so special?"

6 years ago

Think your Google history is gone for good?

Like breaking up with past lovers, when deleting something fromRead more  "Think your Google history is gone for good?"

6 years ago

Increase your company’s reach with Google Posts

As a small- and medium-sized business, you can’t miss outRead more  "Increase your company’s reach with Google Posts"

6 years ago