Traditional ransomware like WannaCry has been explained a thousand waysRead more "Ransomware is coming to your Android"
Google’s Android updates are among the most anticipated events forRead more "How fulfilling is Android’s new Oreo"
Businesses are using mobile devices more than ever to increaseRead more "Tips for Keeping Your Mobile Devices Safe"
You use a computer, smartphone, or tablet — or allRead more "Android phones link to PC!"
New strains of malware are being developed every day. InRead more "CopyCat on the prowl for Android"
Apple’s iOS 11 will be released later this year, butRead more "Android features you won’t find in iOS 11"
As bring your own device policies becomes common practice forRead more "Android mobile security threats today"
There’s a lot of buzz surrounding Google’s latest Android operatingRead more "What’s new with Android O?"
One of the most common ways hackers infiltrate networks isRead more "New phishing protection for Gmail on Android"
In the past, “scanning documents” meant using a dedicated scannerRead more "Dropbox scanning now available in Android"